Friday, September 19, 2008

Chocolate & Cash!!! Pays GREAT
They even give you paid members! I'm making GOOD money here!
I know who you are, I know where you are. More than likely, you are at the same crossroads I have been before. I believe you will fit into one of two categories.

1) You are the member or owner of an internet business opportunity looking for additional streams of income.

2) You are searching for the right opportunity for you…more than likely, you have bought several internet “Become a millionaire overnight!!!” products which failed to perform for you as promised.

It’s okay; please do not feel as though I am thumbing my nose at you!! I’ve done it myself and I was ONE MORE BROKEN PROMISE AWAY FROM QUITTING the search forever!!!
Regardless of which of these two categories you fall into, I feel safe in assuming that you are SICK AND TIRED of unfulfilled promises, of spending your hard earned money and getting nothing in return, tired of feeling like there are more and better ways to build your business.

If I know you (and please feel free to stop reading if I am nowhere near the ballpark with this one…well, don’t stop, I still have something you will love), you are flat out TICKED OFF at all the promises made by some of the “Gurus” who tell you that when you buy their product, they will mentor you (only to find out that this “Mentoring” is an upsell which will cost you anywhere from $100 to $5,000).

You are TIRED of being told you will have assistance (from the staff, the guru himself or a 24 hour call center…whatever) only to find out that when you call, there is NO ONE who can help you in real time, and no one who TRULY cares about your success or failure!!!

I know you’ve seen it before: You pay your $497, $297, $197, $97, $67 etc. etc. etc., download the product and all its empty promises…only to dump hundreds more dollars into a “system” which takes far more knowledge, time and money to make it succeed than you ever thought.

So, what do I have that I feel is SO MUCH better??? I know you’re asking. And I know it may not be a question of genuine curiosity, you may just think I sound like a self-assured jerk.

Whatever the case, all I ask is that you read on. I will tell you what I’ve found that is so far superior to what I’ve dumped thousands of dollars into in the past.

First let me tell you what it IS NOT: This IS NOT another “I will make you the next Gazillionaire in 2.6 seconds If You Just Buy My Product!!!” I think there are enough of those bogus calls to action out there and I for one will NEVER be one of them!!!


 A system in which Teamwork REALLY IS the key to success. On my TEAM you WILL have access to me and my mentor, Jason Cardamone, you WILL receive personal contact from me, and you WILL be able to talk to a live, REAL person who IS TRULY interested in YOUR success!!

 A proven system which is creating REAL wealth and REAL FREEDOM for people every day! Best of all, the system is this simple: DUPLICATE what you see, do what you are instructed and YOU WILL SUCCEED!!! Yes, it is that simple.

 A NO RISK system…You get a full 2 weeks to decide if this business is for you or not. All I ask is a $2 donation to charity…this gets you the 14 day trial. (Did I mention that YOU WILL have your first members below you BEFORE your 14 days are up?)


 You will have access to some the greatest personal and business development programs ever created by some of THE BIGGEST names in the industry. You get seminars that deal with finances, health, nutrition, relationships, leadership and MANY other life categories!!!
 Names like: Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Shawn Casey, Les Brown and TOO MANY MORE TO LIST!!!

 You WILL be trained, how to build your business to succeed…And, do not think that the training, teaching and assistance you receive will benefit you in only this one venture!! You can take what you learn here and apply it to ANY business you already have, or will start in the future!!!

 You WILL unlock an UNLIMITED RESIDUAL INCOME by doing nothing more than HELPING other people ACHIVE THEIR DREAMS!! That, in-and-of itself is an AMAZING motivator for success!!

 I WILL answer my phone and return e-mails from you!
(Breakthrough - An Online Biz with no Selling, and a Mentor that returns calls/e-mails! I personally don't believe this should be a "Breakthrough"...but in today's world it is...)

 When you sign up now, all the people I refer after you will be placed below you... one directly below another, below another, etc. (That means everyone I enroll after you will go below you and will count toward YOUR commissions!)

 I'll setup your website for you and host your auto-responder. (and if you want to do it yourself, our secret team training site shows you step-by-step)

 I'll show you our team's secret to advertise your business to at least 10,000 people/day! There’s that “TEAM” word again!!! You getting the idea yet that I am SERIOUS about TEAMWORK???!!!

The Truth is that most people fail in one business, jump to another and another and another....
Why does this happen?? I’ll tell you exactly why: THEY GET NO SUPPORT!!

The cycle ends Now!

Our Team is SCREAMING with Momentum and Success...
and you receive the BEST mentors in the industry!

Join My Team Now and I'll Show You How To Earn Up To $40,000 Per Month by Simply "Giving Away" F.R.E.E. Education That Helped a Homeless 21 Year-Old Earn $3,244,842.32 In Just 27 Months!!!

I offer a guarantee! Because we have one of the fastest growing teams in Success University, I will GUARANTEE that you will get people enrolled in YOUR organization during your 14 day free trial!


Go now before everyone else does to secure your position above them!

If you can follow 3 simple steps, YOU can succeed:

Step 1: Enroll for a 14-Day Free Trial at no cost and receive $1,949 in education with no obligation. Your benefit of joining with me is that I'm going to place a ton of students on your team...

Step 2: Simply follow our simple step-by-step marketing system that helps you "give away" free education to thousands of people. I will show you how to show YOUR business to over 10,000 people per DAY. (You will only receive this from my team.)

Step 3: Earn residual income on all the students who remain a student of Success University.

Go to the website now, watch Jason show you a five minute video and then ENROLL for a 14 Day Free Trial and start making money by the end of the day.

My advice is to drop everything and do this right now because the people who jump on this email first, will get positioned ABOVE those who wait. (And will earn the most money because of the customers I put
below you.)

“VITA FIDENS” – Life, without FEAR!!!

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