Friday, September 19, 2008

How to generate web site traffic

Web site traffic generation is so important online, and I think because of that there are so many lousy companies out there that will try to sell you anything that even smells like traffic, and charge you full price. I doubt any of the guaranteed traffic sites get more than the first order - it crazy that they stay in business. But I guess they do because people think that they can get real traffic fast when they get started online, then they learn the truth - you have to work hard to get real traffic.
So how do I get real web site traffic?
Here is how I generate real web site traffic:
1) I write articles just like this. I think this is one of the most undertapped areas of web site traffic generation. Why? Because it is hard work. You have to simply write the articles. You cannot just use a machine to crank them out, you cannot just order 100 per week - you have to do the work. And because of this, the market continues to allow new people to come in and write articles.
2) List Building - I generate about 80% of my traffic from my list...which means I generate 5 times more total traffic than if I did not have a list.
3) Search Engine Traffic - To do this you need lots of inbound links, and you can get those through:
a) article marketing
b) asking web masters to exchange links with you
c) submitting to web directories

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