Friday, September 19, 2008

Busy? Grab your free bonus here

G'day, do you get a bit tired with over-hyped over-priced
promotions that promise the earth and don't deliver?

Yeah, me too. That's why I try to find you free or low cost
resources that I know really give good value and wherever
possible will really help you explode your list. This free
gift could be exactly what you're looking for ...

Mohamad before I give you the link I just want you to
understand the sheer quality of this gift and how important
I think it is that you take advantage of this.

Here is how I described it to members of my main site,
Traffic-Splash ...

Do you remember when I last sent you an email that
wasn't talking about Traffic-Splash?

Well it has happened this year, twice maybe, or probably
once for big traffic exchange launches but ...

Do you remember when I last mailed all Splashers purely
for something that wasn't a traffic exchange?

Well, nor do I actually LOL but I'm pretty sure I've only
ever done it once since I bought the then-dead
Traffic-Splash back in December 2006.

In February 2007 I mailed for the launch of Affiliate Funnel.
And, just in case you don't already know, we think so
much of Affiliate Funnel that Tim and I actually bought the
business a few months later.

So, do you think I really really believe this free gift is
absolute top quality? You betcha!

Take a peek:

Need a little more info?

Well, the "Internet Marketing Success Formula" is a
superb step by step, take yer by the hand, give yer the
fish, cook it and even cut it up for yer guide on how to
make money online.

My mate Soren Jordansen of Dragonsurf wrote it which
is again a sure sign of quality because, well Soren and I
share lots of ideas but there is one area where I will
totally say Soren has taught me more than anybody else
on the planet. I am the first to do the bow down, we're not
worthy thang when Soren talks about this stuff and ya
know what ...

Soren is spilling the same stuff here, at zero cost ...

Grab your free copy:

Soren wrote this report based on a major survey of his
lists and lots of feedback from members and blog readers.

I won't guarantee your success, only you can do that,
but IF you follow this formula and apply the simple steps
you discover you WILL find it almost impossible to fail,
even if you just got online last week.

And if you are already earning well, you are still likely to
pick up more golden nuggets and improve your biz in
several ways.

Why not improve your income? ...

I'm so pleased Soren wrote this. I know a lot of customers
won't apply the knowledge but I hope you do. I want you to
become a successful long-term customer because that
means we're both earning more. Teamwork works!


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